And now you are on a council advising the president on how to move forward obviously in a pluralistic nation.
So Emma Thompson, for example, is the one for the British Refugee Council,
Now one of the main questions going to face your advisory council is the question of discrimination on hiring.
On it there is little language and it's obvious it's talking about some kind of a town council.
And one of the reasons why France ends up with a republic, and not a monarchy,is because these prefects who represent the Republic can go into conservative regions and say, "hey,we didn't really like the way the elections came out last time; your municipal council, uh-uh-uh,a lot of monarchists there.
The council on educational technology in MIT has Been doing that for MIT with the help from a couple Of consultants who've actually volunteered their time.
The council was called the boule, which is also in your handout, and that referred to a smaller council of older men, usually, who made decisions that they then would put before the whole, the demos, the whole voting population.
She is former President of the American Society of International Law and a member of the Board of the Council of Foreign Relations and a member of the American Society of Arts and Sciences.
The latest campaign we did was for the Refugee Council.
He was recently appointed by President Obama to be part of the Council of the White House Office of Faith-based and Community Partnerships.
And those campuses, that Interfaith Council had a set of internal interfaith discussions and also did a set of external programs like Days of Interfaith Youth Service.
that these questions would come to the Council my brain is actually too small to process such questions.
The only people who could speak in the council or in an assembly were the noblemen, the basileis.
What if every campus in America had what Princeton has which is an Interfaith Council?
When I got the appointment of the Faith Council, I thought to myself, "Wow!
And she's in the International Relations Council.