But John Milton is also recompensed and, by the weird sacrificial logic that Saint Peter has already sketched out for us, you can see a really disturbing way in which Milton has benefited as well.
There is in there, too, the disturbing suggestion that Christ himself was a rough beast.
The knight's move--which is just a playful way of describing where the window is, right-- the knight's move is nonetheless a kind of wound or damage. So, even as it's the prototype for originality, it's also something very disturbing and harmful.
This is why political philosophy is always and necessarily a potentially disturbing undertaking.
That's not really what I think, but that's how disturbing it is when people talk, and very nice students who do not realize this often disrupt my line of thinking.
These results are surprising and disturbing and I said there is work to be done at an individual and group level and this young man challenged me to be more explicit about that.
All of this anxiety, and when you think of it, all of this shame as well as the shame of ambition -all of this gets packed into this allusion to Virgil that Milton brings to this very disturbing moment in Lycidas.
I myself found it more invigorating than disturbing.
It's a powerful and disturbing idea.
Student: I agree with her. It's disturbing how much we identify with Humbert, how we're made to see the world through his eyes, and we kind of-- even I--grew to like him a lot.
Professor Amy Hungerford: Okay. So, you're suggestion is that ; what's so disturbing about this is that we actually like this guy; now, I asked you this question about O'Connor's characters -would you like to sit down to dinner with any of them?