so, essentially, they're establishing or controlling or changing the difference between the charge inside the cell and the charge outside cell.
They are establishing for themselves a household, a home someplace away from where they started, and that's the name.
But if meaning and significance bleed into each other, what I'm going to be doing is establishing a canon, as it were, unconsciously or semiconsciously.
Milton has expended, we know, a considerable amount of energy in establishing what he wants us, I am assuming, to believe is the divine authority behind the poem.
We're not interested in establishing a principle of value that shapes a canon.
Even when he was a young boy Milton's Latin seems to have been impeccable, and he was quickly establishing himself as one of the best Latinists in the country.
Taking advantage of the rivalries I've mentioned, they obtained charters from the local powers establishing their rights to conduct their own affairs and to govern themselves.
as we've seen, establishing a fiction that works to place himself at the scene of a nativity that obviously occurs 1600 years and change before his own birth.