That's because the banker is thinking, if I have this amount right now and I invest it for one year, then what do I have.
Like for one year of martial arts, it costs about five hundred dollars.
They're required, every year, to go into the business, into one part of the business for a whole day and learn everything there is to know about that.
It was one of the best things I have personally done for my own spiritual life that year.
For example, I may have someone who promises to pay me $1 in one year or in two years or three years.
One of them did not return for his sophomore year.
His income alone in one year was 31 million dollars and then he made another 47 million dollars in endorsements for a Nike and other companies.
So,the combination of survivorship bias and backfill bias for that one year made 4.3 percentage points difference.
If it was a twenty-year bond, there would be forty coupons, one for each six-month period, and each one would have a date on it.
I showed you a one-year Treasury bill rate for right now-- that's not right now, but you can see I have a one-year and a two-year Treasury bill rate.
There have also been one hundred-year bonds and there have also been perpetuities that-- in the UK, for example, the British Consoles-- have no expiration date and they have infinite maturity.
The idea of a forward rate is that, implicit in that term structure is also a quote for the one-year rate, one year hence, because if you look at the two-year rate, can't you infer back what interest rates are going to be in one year?