If the average age of death was something like forty-five, maybe a fifty-fifty chance of--high risk-- of one of the parents dying.
So, there had to be more to it than just identifying the high-risk asset class and putting your assets there and letting it rip.
But you're in, sort of, a high-stress situation often with some sort of risk.
the quality of spirit than I am even correctness of doctrine, is it a high-quality commitment to service to others, are you willing to take a risk, what kind of price are you willing to pay.
As people's weights get high -I'm sorry let's go back here, got a little trigger happy here -as weights go high, from left to right you see the risk of Diabetes gets really very high.
So when you put together the race risk that was highest if-- you may remember in the Mexican-Americans, and with the gender risk, higher rates in women, you'd expect the rates to be especially high in Mexican-American women, and in fact, that's what you find.