It is the most amazing image because amidst of all this chaos, is this image of someone sitting there, breathing.
Milton pushes this image even further into indistinctness with an instance of his famous deployment of the conjunction or.
I know not what the younger dreams-- Some vague Utopia--and she seems, When withered old and skeleton-gaunt, An image of such politics.
In a certain poet, the image, the image patterns, can certainly be recognized as the dominant device.
That echoes his words in Genesis 1 where he proposes, "Let us make humans," or humankind, "in our image."
It's really, in a sense, the physical image is of rain; it's raining, so it's leaking all over it.
If might be an image, a comparison, the finding of likeness between unlike things which is at the heart of metaphor and simile making.
And again in one of the functional magnetic insonance image experiments, we could ask Mike to examine faces verse other things.
But this was the image, that the big person is there to protect you, and that his glory is your glory.
You'd like your mirror image more because the mirror image is what you tend to see from day to day.
If you think that Americans have an image of what we stand for in the world and of what we do.
This is one picture that probably you all know what it is when you see it, it's a familiar looking image.
You cannot just tell the computer to enhance that or can you clean that up and then magically use zoom in not only on the image but also on the reflection of the victim in someone's eyeball.
If any of you don't want your image recorded and posted on the web, you're supposed to sit in the back three rows.
For one thing, he didn't invent a sort of image, he invented a story wrote and collaborated on the plot of Citizen Kane.
Then at a later time you're shown an image of Ruth-- maybe not even an especially good image of Ruth-- but good enough to remind you.