We find that in Genesis 7:17, but in Genesis 7:24, 150 days is given as the time of the flood.
When we read the flood story in Genesis 6 through 9, we're often struck by the very odd literary style.
Certainly if you buy them out somewhere you're going to get one that's maybe the size of a light bulb, but it's like the flood light in your backyard or something, it's a huge light.
We also know of a very early Semitic work, the Epic of Atrahasis, in which there's a flood.
In Genesis 6 through 9 we seem to have two flood stories with distinctive styles, and themes, and vocabularies, and substantive details, but they're interwoven instead of being placed side by side.
And sometimes it occurs in one passage, as in the flood story here, and sometimes it occurs in stories or passages that are separate from one another, for example, the two creation stories.
You might want to get that out in front of you because we're going to talk a little bit about the flood story in Genesis 6 through 9.
It turns out that Utnapishtim can't help him, and we'll come back to Utnapishtim later in the flood story, and Gilgamesh is devastated.
In both you have the flood coming about as the deliberate result of a divine decision; you have one individual who's chosen to be saved from the flood; that individual is given specific instructions on building an ark, and is given specific instructions on who to bring on-board the ark.
Sometimes the flood seems to be the result of very heavy rain, but in other descriptions it seems to be a real cosmic upheaval.
The Noah story, the flood story, ends with the ushering in of a new era, and it is in many ways a second creation that mirrors the first creation in some important ways.
There are some passages in which the flood is said to have lasted for 40 days, or be on the earth for 40 days.
Remember Egypt had control of this area but their grasp was weakening with the flood of people coming in from the sea and other migrations Their hold was weakening and the Hebrews would have been able to take advantage of that and enter in and occupy areas in the central highlands.