It works its magic, again, through purely instrumental means, so we can't really call those songs, and this puzzled me.
It could be purely instrumental but it's called "Buy a song," But we don't want to use that sort of parlance.
The third and final type of learning is known as operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning.
I'm going to talk about one futures market that I have been instrumental in developing.
If we want to get anyplace on the question about the nature of the good life, what we need to focus on is not the instrumental goods and bads, but rather the intrinsic goods and bads.
Again welcome back to Professor Stan Katz Drew Frederick and welcome to Drew Frederick, who is a class of seven, graduating, but who is very instrumental in a class that I want to talk about today, which is called the Just University.
Well, yes, with opera of course, but the other eighty percent is purely instrumental music.
Well, we have a particular recipe for instrumental timbre or instrumental color and it's the intensity of the overtones with -- or partials-- within each particular instrument that creates that.
Still, in trying to get clear about the nature of wellbeing, the crucial thing to do is to focus not on the question about instrumental value, but rather to focus on the question of intrinsic value.
Instrumental conditioning is voluntary.
What things are worth having for their own sake, whether or not those things also have instrumental value, What things are worth having for their own sake ? and what things are worth avoiding for their own sake?
What instrumental sound do you hear?