I think I labeled this one two, 3 ionization I labeled three, 4 electron affinity I labeled four 5 and crystallization I labeled five.
People saying that they want genetically modified food labeled in our country.
Trans fats and saturated fat are also labeled on here and those are very helpful things.
we can run the engine backward and build a refrigerator, if you've got your lecture notes from last period your 8-9, well, they're labeled 8-9 lecture notes, I made an attempt to define something which was a little bit misguided.
And there are two games labeled Game 1 and Game 2.
Only later would a Yahweh only party polemicize against and seek to suppress certain what came to be seen as undesirable elements of Israelite-Judean religion, and these elements would be labeled Canaanite, as a part of a process of Israelite differentiation.
And what he found was the students who were labeled-- randomly so, but who were labeled-- "fast spurters", their IQ increased significantly over the year and maintained that increase in a longitudinal study.
And this diagram shows what I simply labeled as a stem cell, so I'm not referring to any particular kind of stem cell now, but just a cell that has the stem cell character.
trying to get genetically modified food in our country, labeled.
If a food never had trans fat in it but it gets labeled as having no trans fat, does that increase your perception of how good that food is for you?
So Klawans notes in the article you read that the physical substances and states that are labeled impure and are therefore designated as antithetical to the realm of holiness are states that are associated with death on the one hand, and procreation on the other. Why should this be?