Because,you know,you can't trust me,and so you have to check me out and make sure I'm not lying to you.
Listen. The thing is, she is lying to you.
She's confronted him with having knowingly taken the father's words the wrong way: "You stop that lying.
The philosopher is described by Plato as someone with knowledge of the eternal forms, lying behind or beyond the many particulars.
But we probably shouldn't say that. After all, if you shoot me, there's my corpse lying on the stage.
I think Lee identified a small number, but definitely some of them, that were lying about the date.
And it's true; each group needed a justification for lying about the task.
I suggested just a minute ago that one of the relevant stories that is always lying behind Milton's discussion of human choice is the story from the Book of Genesis about Adam and Eve's choice to eat the forbidden fruit.
And lying behind this idea, I think, is the claim, the intuition, that it's a presumption to judge whose pleasures are intrinsically higher or worthier or better.
The thing is, she is lying to you.
We have the line spectra lying out there in the literature, and people read the literature.
The Essex stood half over the other prophet as if it were pleased to guard what it had finally brought down. The man didn't look so much like Haze lying on the ground on his face without his hat or suit on. A lot of blood was coming out of him and forming a puddle around his head.
Now, their bodies were lying there on the operating table; their bodies weren't in heaven.
I've got a little mental image of my body lying in bed asleep, dreamlessly.
But it's just lying to you to pretend that that's excellence in philosophy.
It is a rare person who couldn't stand up there and everybody would figure out what they're lying about, but the transparency effect is we don't feel that way.