I sometimes use the mantra like just breathing in the breath of God and breathing out the breath of God.
But I know their whole mantra of, like, you know.
A mantra is something that you would just repeat over and over, for example, the syllable that everyone seems to be familiar with and popular one like Om, you can say Om over and over.
It's of no interest to me to survive, and merely saying the mantra, "Oh, but it's me" doesn't make it more desirable to me.
And so this really is the mantra of the course.
This has become the official mantra in many ways of the AA movement: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can change; " and wisdom to know the difference."
It's just a little meditation technique, I know that I heard all music as a part of a larger mantra in Buddhism.
I would say that the meditation I've done the most is really focusing on the breath like what Roberto was talking about, but I've also done some mantra meditations and visualization... What is a mantra meditation?
You also do walking meditation, you can do mantra meditation, you can do all sorts of meditations that can be seen as a step towards maintaining the state of mindfulness at all points of your daily life, which is impossible unless you're a monk for a very long time.
Now I seem to be violating my own mantra here by just calling this variable A, but this is reasonable, I much as with four loops when you just call an incrementing variable I, because you just need an index, well, same here.