Crane is full of mixed metaphors; you're not supposed to mix your metaphors and he does, all the time.
and you can get it all mixed up in one, it's called the Neapolitan shake.
And all this is, is saying that when you take a mixed second derivative, it doesn't matter in which order you take the two derivatives.
But in practical purposes most of the time, they didn't-- they just mixed these together and they might use different things.
throwing shadows.] See the silhouettes agape, See the gibbering shadows Mixed with the battled arms on the wall.
Aristotle understands the mixed constitution as a balance of classes--the one the few and the many.
How many bonding electrons does c l have? All right. Let's see, we've got a mixed response here, it turns out it has two bonding electrons.
I think psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic scholars right now would be mixed.
Of course, they won't be perfect, there's a mixed character of the world of Homer, but still, if you look at the world of Odysseus, his home, what's going on in Ithaca, there are some valuable clues.
They play with these partials on each of these notes, but this is just one sound with all of these other things mixed in to the medley that produces the quality or timbre of a particular instrument.
In Covent Garden? Well, it's big for like, well, it's all mixed, really.
It can't be that he's got mixed together memories of growing up in France and memories of growing up in Detroit.
I should just say that the data i just gave you is real data but it's actually mixed ability data.
And so the mixed group that would join together to become Israel accepted Yahweh, though perhaps not exclusively, and adopted the national story of the Exodus as its own at some point.
This is the doom which Adam fell into, ; this is the fallen condition to which we've all been consigned; but the passage is so much more complicated than that because good and evil seem to have been mixed up in the apple before the Fall.
In the same areas, and mixed.