They also grow more in countries that have institutional structures that encourage investing in mutual funds, such as pension plans.
Also, mutual funds have been growing more in countries that have higher level of education and a higher level of wealth.
There were seventeen categories of equity mutual funds and they compared the dollar-weighted to the time-weighted returns.
They can--in mutual funds, it's daily liquidity, but their investors tend not to be as wide-awake.
Most mutual funds are providing some diversification service and they're also trying to beat the market.
The problem is even more severe when you're looking at mutual funds because there's kind of a cynical game that mutual fund management companies play.
Finally, I just want to say that I've been talking mainly about the U.S., but mutual funds have been growing in importance around the world.
I think it's a trend around the world that we're going to see more and more mutual funds and I think it's a good thing.
Today's lecture is about portfolio diversification and about supporting financial institutions, notably mutual funds.
The fact that people look at quarterly returns of mutual funds is incredibly dysfunctional.
The theory of mutual funds is: nobody is supposed to be holding anything other than-- ... the ideal theory of mutual funds--is holding something other than this tangency portfolio.
Insurers, just like mutual funds, are providing risk pooling for you.
They found, not surprisingly, that it tends to--mutual funds have been growing more rapidly in countries that have stronger securities laws and institutions, especially laws that protect individual shareholders rights.
Firms that do that are, in practice, however, the minority and most mutual funds have some gimmick or some special-- they claim to be beating the market not forming the optimal portfolio.
But then I asked another question, do you think trying to pick mutual funds, trying to find a mutual fund that will beat the market is a smart thing to do or not a smart thing to do?
Because of the way that we deal with taxes and mutual funds, you can get a tax bill for gains that were realized by the investment manager turning over the portfolio even though you might not have held the shares during the period when the gains were realized.