These--Again, the chemicals could excite the other neuron bring up the chances it will fire, or inhibit the other neuron .
We receive the electric signals from each tip, we tell which neuron is listening to, we get that color piece.
Finally, remember myelination, where you sort of get this fatty sheath over your neuron to make it more effective?
It doesn't represent any particular neuron in the body, but just meant to represent functions that all of them have.
Only cells in your brain make the enzymes that produce certain neuron transmitters that are responsible for brain function.
So, one of the discoveries of psychology is that the basic unit of the brain appears to be the neuron.
This is a picture of a neuron, this particular neuron has been filled with a fluorescent dye so that it's colored green.
That will produce a response pattern like this, so each square corresponses how any one neuron response.
On the other side of this diagram I show a picture of a neuron.
This infinitesimal gap-- and this gap is known as a synapse-- and what happens is when a neuron fires, an axon sends chemicals shooting through the gap.
There are a lot of them about one thousand billion of them and each neuron can be connected to around thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, other neurons.
What we will have come to us, is a corresponding response from every neuron, for example in the upper left, you would see a green little hole.
Or in some cases they go to the dendrite of the neuron and they kind of put a paste over it so that the neurotransmitters can't connect.
And then if you get a certain number, plus 60 or something, the neuron will fire and it fires along the axon, the thing to the right.
And this makes the point that one neuron shown here is very important.
One interesting thing about neurons is a neuron is like a gun.
This is just an example of what a neuron might look like.
Instead, what we see is a different pattern from every neuron.
The neuron is a specific sort of cell and the neuron has three major parts, as you could see illustrated here .
Between any neurons, between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another, there's a tiny gap.
Let me play for you, what this neuron recording sounds like.
Now, these signals can be either excitatory, which is that they raise the likelihood the neuron will fire, or inhibitory in that they lower the likelihood that the neuron will fire.
One could easily, for example, differentiate between a red cell and a neuron, but a skilled biologist who's looked at many, many different cells could differentiate between different types of neurons.
We will forego the brief neuron surgery. Ok?
And this is exactly what the neuron will do all over before going into recepting into a tumor, for example if you have under your brain to know what the different regions of the brains do.
Maybe by the different branching patterns that these processes had, or how many processes were on a different kind of neuron, you'd be able to tell something about its function and probably something about where it came from.
Well, one reason to do this is because on each post-synaptic neuron there might be many axons coming together at once, and each one might be generating a different kind of signal, through maybe even different neurotransmitters.
嗯 一个原因是在每个,突触后神经元上可能有,许多同时到达的轴突,每个都可能通过不同的神经递质,产生不同的信号
One is that there's a physical space in between the two cells, so the axon of what's called the pre-synaptic neuron, or the neuron that's bringing a signal into the synapse, the axon terminal is physically separated from the dendrite of the next cell.