We have two lone pairs, so if we thought about what the bonds were everywhere, 5° it would be 109 . 5, but it's bent because we're only looking at the bonds, we're not counting the Lewis structures in naming our geometry, but they do affect the angles.
And I mentioned on Wednesday that computer scientists do 1 in fact start counting from zero not one.
So I did not do any counting up here, you should make sure you do counting, I apologize.
These guys are just counting the number of people in the class for the registrar, so they're not doing anything more nefarious then that.
And remind you that inside of here, I'd better be changing the variable. All right, if that variable that's counting is not changing I'm going to be stuck in an infinite loop, so I ought to that, right, expect somewhere in there, a change of that variable. All right?
Now I'm putting count in double quotes, not to make it a string, but to say, this is count generically. It could be counting one by one through the integers, it could also be taking a collection of data and going through them one by one. It could be doing counting in some other mechanism.