There is nothing like a shred of evidence to suggest that Edward King had any talent whatsoever.
When you go to a game in Yankee Stadium, I'll tell you, there is nothing like it.
How are decisions made? Does the king simply say, "Do it," And it gets done? Nothing like that.
And I, like hopefully some of you in this room, discovered that chemistry was actually a lot of fun, and that the chemistry I got in college was pretty much nothing like the chemistry I had seen in high school.
There were some atrocities at the beginning of World War I, but there was nothing like this again until World War II and, of course, Bosnia.
And he denied that. He said my mother was nothing like Kane's father.
who will help me out? They find themselves surrounded, and Paris is--it's nothing like- - it's one-third the size of London at this same time, or at any other time, but it has a huge circumference.
Nothing like that.
so you have to make a garment out of nothing like paper bags or plastic bags.
The current boom is different because there's nothing like that happening and so it's strange.
There is nothing like romantic love among the members of the guardian class.
There's nothing like seeing the whole action flowing back and forth.
Nothing like the Lakers. They're the best.
You can imagine what you get: each hours worth of drama, if you like, may be great, but it may have absolutely nothing to do with the other twelve hours.
The reason it looks like a tautology, because you look around, nothing seems to have its velocity forever.
It did not give of bird or bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee.
Not to harp on the mathematical features of this, but cubing, AX*X*X you know, if you're starting to do AX star, X star, X, every time you want to cube some value in a program, it just feels like this is going to get a little messy looking, if nothing else.