And for the next, off and on for the next couple of weeks, we'll be talking about Python and program organization.
I have lived here off and on since 2007. I am a journalist.
If we take this simple straightforward view and say you're dead when you're not P-functioning anymore, then you were dead,on and off and on and off,last night.
The bonds are auctioned off on regular dates and you cannot participate in the auction; I assume you can't.
It's a material force that his rhetoric challenges and relies on, gives him a means of getting off the ground, and a means of always getting back to it, too.
And the high priest loads all of the sins and impurities of the Israelites on the head of a goat, which then carries them off into the wilderness away from the sanctuary.
And then you realize that you've put on your most expensive pair of shoes this mooring, and if you stop to take them off, it might be too late and the child might drown.
You can go on or you can go off and actually, how about some gratuitous use of technology?
When you hear a slaveholder preach about his individual liberty and his rights, you sometimes wonder, "Come on, where do you get off?"
It starts out in a straight line and then it hops off on a diagonal.
Okay. Now take your hand on a chair or your notebook, your computer or whatever, and do syncopation off of that according to this pattern.
And I've turned on a print statement which was off last time.
Well, imagine if that change in structure could be switched on and off by addition of a phosphorous; and in fact it can in many proteins.
PROFESSOR: And this is a question based on where we left off on Wednesday -- we were talking about Coulomb's force law to describe the interaction between two particles and good job, most of you got this correct.
They could say I won't lower my prices if you don't lower your prices, and they could put this contract in with the pricy lawyer, who's taking a day off from the divorce court, and that would secure that they wouldn't lower prices on each other.
So I'm so happy that it's finally time for us to go to the airport, get on a plane and just take off.