The logic, the beauty, of Comus' rhetoric seems often to overpower the Lady's own, which is itself admittedly beautiful and powerful.
Is Milton powerful for the very straightforward reason that he's in possession of this tremendous literary strength, this unimaginable talent?
So it's a really powerful and simple formalism, once we set up what is needed the go through it, right?
So it doesn't matter how big the dictionary is, you can instantaneously retrieve the value associated with the key. Extremely powerful.
Leda feels the beating of the swan's heart, and that heart is "strange" to her, that simple, powerful word.
That's how this advertisement represents critics, even though it also invokes critics to describe what's powerful about the novel.
That played a powerful role in my life in terms of connecting faith and social justice for me. -Right.
So, what happens with municipal privileges, towns that had municipal privileges, these are eroded and then virtually eliminated by powerful potentates.
We think that anticipation is a powerful evoker of desire, and we think that brain activation can reflect that.
And then, I want to turn to objections to behaviorism but these three principles are powerful and very interesting.
There is no protection for the freedom of weaker individuals, or those who question the authority of the most powerful.
It's a powerful force that goes behind the scene and I hope we can draw that out in this course.
And, in fact, if you take the jaws of a powerful magnet and pour liquid oxygen in between the jaws, the oxygen will stop and will sit in the jaws.
But it's those kinds of questions that, there's a little bit of spark, there's a little bit of a powerful force and there's just a lot of hard work to get from here to there.
We need to think about important things, particularly about politics and the social order" -by the way, a very powerful argument in 1935.
The Romans, when they came on the scene, in the East, and they gradually became more and more powerful, they destroyed Corinth in a big battle in 144 BCE.