Now, there's an important reason for this genealogy, the idea that the muses are the daughter of Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.
What do you think is the reason for San Francisco being such a diverse place with people from all around the world?
So I wrote my dissertation on Byron as a result of that-- nothing complicated, no deep reason for doing these things.
And the reason for this was mostly to, because we realized that the people around you, at your school, are the people who you want to look at mostly anyway.
The reason for that is because all of this is connected, so we're moving electrons everywhere in the system.
One reason for this is obvious; it's cheaper not to pay people, but the other reason is more interesting.
The reason for inexact doesn't mean it's a crummy measurement, t means that it's path dependent, and so the value of this integral depends on how you get from one to two.
And the reason for the scale is -- that as we saw last week the idea of these algorithms-- I broke the scale already.
And part of the reason for putting it up is that I want to, as much as possible, answer that question by separating out the mechanism, which is the computer from computational thinking. Right.
Nobody really sees the reason for this; it's all a question of theory, so we have to think a little bit about theory.
In some instances,these notes are superior to the text There is a reason for it.
I think there's actually a reason for this aberration.
The reason for that complexity is because your immune system needs to be able to respond to all the potential foreign invaders that we could encounter.
A reason for choosing a number like 33 might go as follows.
And there is a reason, perhaps a reason for this, too.
Well, the reason for thinking otherwise, the reason for not being utterly dismissive of this suggestion, is that when people get ill, terminally ill, it often seems to take them by surprise.