I'm not at all sure there's anything more to be said about that passage, which I think lays it to rest.
I think I could maybe afford a front door if I work really hard for the rest of my life.
In the first account in Genesis 1, The creation of human is clearly the climactic divine act: after this God can rest.
The attempt failed and, saddened by Eurydice's death, Orpheus spent the rest of his life avoiding the company of women.
They cannot rest quietly in Hades unless their body has been properly buried; so you got to do it.
So, we are going to specialize to a very limited class of problems in the rest of this class.
If it's there, I'm done, if not, I keep walking down, and I only stop when I get to a place where the element I'm looking for is smaller than the value in the list., in which case I know the rest of this is too big and I can stop.
The only thing that compiler needs to know is kind of what pattern to look for in the rest of your code.
How did it affect...India affects the rest of Asia in particular the developing countries ? of southeast Asia?
But just to be really clear, I've written out exactly which equations you do have to memorize on the front here, so long as you know those, the rest you can just look up.
As I said,the rest of the organization of the class I think is pretty well self-evident.
Leisure does not simply mean rest or inactivity but leisure is necessary for education or what he sometimes calls by the term philosophy.
He makes mistakes like the rest of us, even though that was a pretty big mistake. Right?
It's what it does for the rest of them,the rest of us.
See this is testing your restraint because those of you who have willpower will stay for the rest of the class, the rest of you will flee the room and go to Starbucks right up on the corner and get something like this.
If I could do that for the rest of my life, get paid to talk all day, I would love to.