Unless the philosophers rule as kings or those now called kings, genuinely philosophize, there will be no rest from the ills for the cities, ?! he says, right?
they want to, or they feel they want to be separate and different from the rest of Europe.
What is the energy of the electron, the energy of this electron accelerating from rest and crashing into the anode here?
Just the first one or more generally the address of the first one and then, man, I'll just figure it out from there where the rest of the letters are because by definition of a string, they're back to back to back.
These stories, the stories we hear from earliest childhood on, shape us in some very meaningful sense for the rest of our lives.
And from the point of view of the rest of us, the consumers, this Cournot quantity is worse than perfect competition but better than monopoly.
And who, where would--If it was, if it was converted into a weapon, where would the vaccines to protect the rest of the country come from?
Of course, as in all of the rest of Greek history, women are excluded from the political realm, and of course, well, I'll just leave it at that.
We're not going to talk about sociological attitudes that we have towards the dying in our culture and how we tend to try to keep the dying hidden from the rest of us.
Now for the rest of the session today, what I'd like to do is take examples from the realm of pop music and use them as paradigms for what happens in the world of classical music.
I believe that these are the foundational moments of theorizing and that if you're going to teach anything like a survey, you've got to derive the rest of it from whatever the moment I happen to subscribe to might be."
OK. Today, for the rest of the lecture, we're going to take a break from the topic of algorithms, and computation, and things of the sort. And do something pretty pragmatic.
Then the design was that, when you reached retirement age, you would then get funds from the government for the rest of your life--your retirement funds.
You hook one end of the spring to a wall and you pull it from rest by some amount and you attach the one kilogram mass to it.
你把弹簧的一端固定在墙上,然后拉伸一段距离,接着你把 1 千克物体固定在上面
London is quite, quite different from the rest of England.
He believed in a strong central state, which was a real departure for him from the rest of the pro-slavery writers.
This is a gift of flour and oil and incense, which is burned after a portion is removed for the priests as dues to the priests, the rest is burned on the altar again with a sweet smell from the incense.