This day is separated from all other days by additional rules and observances in keeping with its profound holiness.
And that's exactly one of the reasons why I want to have the functions, because I've separated those out.
Being unimaginative boys, they called themselves "The Eagles" and "The Rattlers" but as--what happened was, being separated they developed distinctive cultures.
But what if you are able to find identical twins who were separated at birth, and reared in radically different environments.
That water is separated, that bubble has opened up so we've got the sky created And we've got the waters collected in certain areas down here, And we've got sky.
This little felt thing there is just to avoid too much friction from building up with the plastic or to keep it slightly separated from the case, but that's it. That's all there was to those things called floppy disks.
You then denature again, each one of these strands gets separated, primers bind, turn on the polymerase, a new strand is made.
So, essentially we're just breaking it up into two parts that can be separated, and the part that is only dealing with the radius, so it's only a function of the radius of the electron from the nucleus.
So he becomes a boy after he's separated from his mother.
When we separated banking from investment banking, on the theory the investment banking had natural proclivity to get from another folly to do it.
And you can see they are nicely active and separated in the space of the brain.
And there are other secularists who said, religion and state should be completely separated.
He's been separated from his guide, his teacher, the palmer.
Someone of you may know that there's been experiments in which, for one reason or the other, the two halves of the brain have been separated.
The entire domain of what we call private life separated from the state.
You have two of them separated at a distance.