Talk of smiles is just a way of talking about the ability of the body to smile, to form a smile.
So we do both of those as part of the validation process. And we'll talk about all of this as we go along.
And I thought the best way to illustrate some of that Was to talk a little about some of the projects.
Although this kind of talk about "armed prophets always win" is characteristic of Machiavelli, he likes this kind of tough talk.
I want to talk about certain kinds of monoline insurance companies that-- the biggest--one category is property and casualty.
A lot of times we talk about these kind of distances either in nanometers or in angstroms so we can say this is 70 angstroms.
So to me, I think that one of things we talk with Doc. Gager another night was this, the notion of intimacy.
Okay, so let's talk about the example of smallpox, which is one of the world's great successes in the battle against infectious diseases.
And we'll talk about the impact of what this happened, there were obvious impacts, but what happened on civil society and on politics.
Well there are methods that get used to track population intake and methods to track individual food intake, and let's talk about each of them.
They'll say, "It's not such a good talk because of the person."
But very soon will you find that if you're writing programs with lots and lots of functions, and some might call these, and these might call these, you can come up very soon with scenarios where you can not order them top to bottom, because everything is comingled, and there's a lot of cross talk among all of your functions.
Talk of all of those things is what we mean by the mind, but there's no extra thing, the mind, above and beyond the body.
For our purposes, I think that won't be crucial, and so I'll sometimes talk about this set of abilities without actually having a canonical list.
And when we talk about intensity in terms of units, we usually talk about watts, so if you change your lightbulb, usually you see the intensity in terms of watts.
And when we talk about any type of ion channel, there are just tons of different kinds of ion channels, and you can characterize them in a few different ways.