Thus far, for us it's been testing individual functions. Later in the term we'll talk about unit testing of classes.
It is, of course, important if you use animal testing to treat the animals with as much dignity as possible.
And then it has a beautiful illustration of psychological testing, so I'll give you them quickly one after the other.
What I am talking about today, I will not be testing you, but maybe you might pay attention because about a month from now we will ask you a few skill testing questions about it.
Mammon had surfaced -- I'm testing your memories here - in the text of Areopagitica.
There's unit testing, where we validate each piece of the program independently.
What we've seen is a testing of the system -that we have regulatory requirements, that banks have enough capital -but this regulation is challenging because it's being stressed right now.
Opponents of animal testing are quick to point out that it's not a humane way to learn scientific facts.
Why is God testing Abraham? Does God really desire such a sacrifice?
But before telling you about this let me sort of Go through some of the hypothesis that we have and That we are now testing about why the subject is Difficult and why these materials assembled what We have assembled them might be useful.
Would you want to get that testing done?
See this is testing your restraint because those of you who have willpower will stay for the rest of the class, the rest of you will flee the room and go to Starbucks right up on the corner and get something like this.
But that's not yet testing the equation, because you've got to find both sides.
If you're writing a program and you're testing it and recompiling.
It's--that's a very different process than testing a drug, where if you had a drug for heart disease, you would give it to patients that had heart disease and see if you had an impact.
They focus more on your understanding more than like the testing.