But it gets passed on when the rats get eaten by cats.
so recording from the brains of mice and rats
And what they found was the rats did fine.
I don't think they were having very good success, but they did notice something interesting which is that the rat kept returning to the corner of the cage in which it was stimulated the day before So Olds got an interesting idea, he said, what if we let the rats stimulate in its own brain, what would happen.
Instead of imagining lobotomizing us, turning us into rats, suppose we just say, look, the problem is really this.
What they show was rats who went through the maze and went through the maze again and again, learned far less than rats who took time aside, chilled out a little bit after a maze, had more margarita.
Good, so in the standard story you've got these two crooks, or two accused crooks, and they're in separate cells and they're being interviewed separately--kept apart--and they're both told that if neither of them rats the other guy out, they'll go to jail for say a year.
在故事里有两个罪犯,他们都被指控了 被分别关进了牢房,他们俩被单独提审,两人都知道如果他们不坦白,他们都要只需要坐一年牢
Even if you come home about two or 2:30 in the morning near our apartment you can still see rather large rats dashing across the street; some of them look so bloated they look like sangliers, or wild boar, which you can see occasionally in parts of rural France.
As Little Albert was playing with the rat, " "Oh, I like rats, oh," and banged the metal bar right here .
If Skinner kept the focus on rats and pigeons and dogs, he would not have the impact that he did but he argued that you could extend all of these notions to humans and to human behavior.
And then it ends up in the cats' feces and then it ends up back in rats.
What they did is they scanned the brains of rats while they were in a maze and after they went through the maze.
Put that all down and you pretty quickly see that, regardless whether the other guy rats you or not, you're better off ratting him out.
There's a parasite known as toxoplasmosis that lives in the bodies of rats.
and you can see the electro going to those rats' brain.