It has the function, in other words, of negating its own meaning in another semiotic system, in this case the semiotic system of the stoplight.
All of that somewhat complicates the picture, but at the same time, I think you can see that there is a connection between those semiotic systems.
This, by the way, is a way of showing the fact that everything which appears in a semiotic system is conventional, right?
There is a Darwinian semiotics, understanding the relationships among species in semiotic terms.
The red light is intelligible, in other words, within that semiotic system.
Other systems: the gestures that mimes use, semaphores, are all semiotic systems.
this is perhaps the most interesting thing because it forces us to show the complexity, to see the complexity, of semiotic relationships: a red light, just to return to the Christian holiday, a red light on a Christmas tree.
Now if all we have to go on is just this semiotic system, it's going to be kind of hard to put up resistance to by the same token we'll say "yellow" means "pause," "green" means "go."