Well, it looks like it took 1 in this case or it involves-- we can put it another way, merging those two lists involved looking at two numbers, 1, 2, and that's it.
All right. With that by the way of background, let's go on to two -what we might call rhythmic devices here--two rhythmic devices.
As always with philosophy, there's more complicated versions of dualism where maybe the interaction doesn't work both ways, but let's just limit ourselves to good, old-fashioned, two-way interactionist dualism.
Way back in nineteen-eighty-two, we did a study on this, and then I'm going to show you some similar studies that have been done in subsequent years to show you how much the error is.
Another characteristic of these years, which scholars refer to as the Dark Ages, just as they do the years after the fall of the Roman Empire-- dark for two reasons. Dark, in the most obvious way, because we don't have any writing, no record of them.
So, two-way interaction.