It must be, after all, a grammaticization of rhetoric," the whole point of which is that the worm of interpretation keeps turning. All right?
And there's some space-time worm taking place in Michigan, some space-time person worm taking place in New York.
The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.
Schistomiosis, which is a worm that lives in river waters, causes terrible diseases that are still prevalent in many parts of the world.
Is the space-time worm that makes up this car the same sapce-time worm as the one ? that made up my car?
It doesn't really matter as long as we're comfortable talking about entire space-time worm, the car and the slices, or the stages.
The point that I'd been emphasizing is well first point of course has been don't confuse the stages with the entire space-time worm.
But by looking at the stages, we pick out a space-time worm that makes up a person.
What makes the 1990 car stage a stage in the very same car the extended through space and time worm car as the 2006 stage?
We know that there's an extended through space and time, space-time worm, a person.
The stages can differ without the entire space-time worm being a different worm.
There's the person Napoleon,a space-time worm that came to an end in France.
Looks a bit like a worm so we call them space-time worms.
And we're asking: Is that the very same space-time worm as the one we picked out previously or a different space-time worm ? than the one we picked out previously?
Or to put it in terms of stages, that person's got to be--that stage, that slice has to be part of the very same extended-through-time space-time worm as this stage is.
Is there a single space-time worm here?
One worm there or two?
So I would help myself to this language of space-time worm object that extends not only over space but also over time, and distinguish the entire worm from the various slices or stages that either make up the worm or we could slice the worm into.