During the process of design, the gripper architecture is developed, which includes data acquisition layer, data process layer and network interface layer.
The various network device drivers run at the interface layer, which receives and transmits data from and to the physical link.
TLI Is a programming interface to the transport layer of ISO-OSI model, it supports the transfer of data between two user processes in network.
When the network interface receives a packet from the layer above, it adds a preamble and CRC.
The interface of three-layer switch is the component that exchange data between switch and other devices in network it play a key role in switch system.
This paper will discuss the specification of BNEP and the protocol interface between network layer and L2CAP, and describe the construction of Access Point of PAN.
论文详细讨论了BNEP协议以及如何使用BNEP协议实现网络层与蓝牙l2 CAP层的协议接口,并详细介绍了PAN网络接入点的构建。
This paper provides a reference design of high layer protocol stack for radio interface of centerless and wireless network system.
The AS-I interface network layer was used to carry out the interconnection communication between sensor and executor.
Interface layer is mainly database interface and the network synchronization protocol.
The network transmit program in user's tasks of the system is based on UDP. It includes network card driving function, protocol layer handling function and user interface function.
Because all kinds of equipments in Ethernet must be though the physical layer interface devices can connected with network transmission media, thus this part mainly introduces the physic...
Joining a engineering, this paper gives the high speed and low consuming circuit of network communication based on the microprocessor of S3C4510B, it takes DM9161 as a physical layer interface.
文章结合工程实例,基于S3C 4510 B微处理器构建了以DM 9161为以太网物理层接口的低功耗、高速硬件电路。
This paper presents the analyses of TETRA air interface protocol, and then introduces the software implementation method of Tetra network layer protocol use UML.
User processes includes link scan task, layer 3 unicast task, layer 3 multicast task, management interface and network protocols.
Being an interactive interface of the network system, the fault display layer deals with the alarm display.
The thesis have proposed a project of network interface card based on 32 ARM processor S3C4510B after analyzing in the MAC layer protocol.
论文在分析了MAC层协议的基础上提出了基于32位ARM处理器s3c 4510b的无线网卡设计方案。
A two-layer parallel optical interconnection network has been designed. The top layer was a star network, which was made up of digital routing nod, node computer and optical network interface CARDS.
This Recommendation is concerned with the layer 1 electrical, format and channel usage characteristics of the primary rate user-network interface at the S and T reference points.
This Recommendation is concerned with the layer 1 electrical, format and channel usage characteristics of the primary rate user-network interface at the S and T reference points.