She was elected student body president at the University of North Carolina.
Today, the student body is roughly 60 percent Black and Hispanic, 25 percent Asian, and 15 percent white.
A mixed student body may change the classroom dynamics and benefit learning.
Unbelievable as it may seem, part time students constitute a considerable portion of the student body in many universities across the world.
The globalization of education means more universities will be seeking heads with international experience of some kind to promote international programs and attract a global student body.
Attendance Coordinator of the Student Body.
Although not dispositive, the student body is more than 99 percent white.
Anime Society is a literary class academic nature of the student body organization.
I was excited because after all I would soon become a member of that diverse student body.
The school opened with a student body of 21 boys and girls and three teachers, including me.
You, the faculty and student body of this great university are part of this great move forward.
A second group was told that the university wanted to know more about the student body in general.
He shortened the school day for a grateful student body that packed the gym for the two-hour shoot.
The boys are not at Seattle Pacific University, either, where the student body is 65 percent female.
To our knowledge there have been no fatalities or serious injuries on campus among the staff or student body.
Teacher: Well, the thing that I find most interesting about this school is our very, very diverse student body.
At the end of the term, they performed these new skills in front of the entire 14 student body and 15 faculty.
I worked with her as part of the student body and we talked about our favourite singers and actors during junior high school.
School officials called the homes of her students and sent letters to families of the entire student body to inform them of her death.
If elected, how do you plan on communicating with the PTA and the entire student body since we only have eighth grade student council?
They make up just 5 percent of the United States population, but constitute about 20 percent of the student body at Ivy League colleges.
A college's student body is composed of the sons and daughters of the very rich who could not meet the academic requirements of any other college.
This event is organized by the Party leaders of the Foreign Language, Party Union, and the Student Body and sponsored by Star Source Beauty Salon.
Due to inclement weather, there were 781 student absent Monday and 682 absent Tuesday. what percentage of the student body was in attendance Tuesday?
由于恶劣的天气有 781 先生出席星期一和星期二出席 682。在列席星期二了先生人数的百分比是多少?
Dulwich College Shanghai is made up of over 1500 students from age 2 to age 18, with 44 different nationalities represented in our diverse student body.
The school, above, closed upon news that hundreds of area students had fallen ill, with 45 confirmed cases of influenza among the student body as of April 28.
It also reminds me of the equipment we have encountered victims of the earliest victims are mainly concentrated in coastal areas and on the student body.
North Carolina, with a student body that is nearly 60 percent female, is just one of many large universities that at times feel eerily like women's colleges.
North Carolina, with a student body that is nearly 60 percent female, is just one of many large universities that at times feel eerily like women's colleges.