During the early 1930s, officials of the fair ruled that people could attend by paying something other than money.
Attend by China conference&exhibition in relation held national exhibition design contest winners.
Don't worry. Just sign up for the language course offered by a school in another district or city, have the latest edition of the course teaching materials sent to your computer, and attend by video.
Don't worry. Just sign up for the language course offered by a school in another district or city, have the latest edition of the course teaching materials sent to your computer, and attend by video.
If you want to attend the concert conducted by the famous conductor, you should book a ticket in advance.
My father wanted me to attend the university in our county and save money by continuing to live at home.
Yet their texts were enriched by what Gilligan, writing in a different context, has called the ability to attend to voices other than one's own.
Pupils attend the school in their own neighbourhood, which in theory removes ranking by school.
By filling your head with learning - read a book, listen to a seminar, take a class, attend church.
Having failed to pay their child support, they were given the choice by a judge to go to jail or attend a weekly class on fathering, which to them seemed the better deal.
Each month, they receive new supplies of malaria treatment packs and diagnostic kits - supplied by Cambodia's Ministry of health - when they attend training at the local health post.
If it's not easy to get English partners or having little chance to attend an English corner, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.
Robert's parents came to attend the wedding by way of Lodon but Emily's parents didn't.
At a march on April 16th to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the rout of the CIA-backed invasion at the Bay of Pigs, several people reported being ordered by their bosses to attend.
For example, six-year-olds may show their worries by refusing to attend school, whereas adolescents may minimize their concerns, but argue more with parents and show a decline in school performance.
In addition, Kristen had to drive 35 miles a day to attend "job readiness" classes offered by a private company called Arbor, which, she says, were "frankly a joke."
They were asked to attend 22 counselling sessions, reduce their diet by 500 calories a day and increase the amount of exercise they took to at least three hours a week.
If someone comes across one of your lectures (or other resources) and is favorably impressed by it, how much more likely will they be to attend a class?
This young Zimbabwean migrant does not have the means to attend school. Living out of a cubicle formed by blankets, he spends most of his day searching for food.
Obama, by contrast, refused to attend the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The village school is run by the Shabab, but only those loyal to their cause are allowed to attend.
So the children of migrant workers often have to attend cheap, privately-run schools, some of which have not been approved by the authorities.
These people are part of a group nominated by managers to attend an advanced, multi-week program to learn about the new launch prior to the rest of the field.
Media representatives may attend the conference or ask questions by phone or from participating NASA locations.
At the boarding school in Shanghai, the girls attend a class endorsed by the International Baccalaureate.
Start by looking at your calendar. Is it really important to attend all those meetings that fill your week?
Pierre took the next flight home to attend the funeral and manage the vineyard left by his father.
Stars like Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio drew fans into the stadium, and those who could not attend the games gathered around their radios to listen to the play-by-play.
Stars like Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio drew fans into the stadium, and those who could not attend the games gathered around their radios to listen to the play-by-play.