Derivatives markets will no longer be left to their own devices.
“If everything is produced in China, who in Germany will be left to afford high-value toys?
Libyans, they say, should be left to submit to the colonel or kill him off, as best they can.
Those not willing to pay for their data to be transmitted quickly would be left to crawl in the slow lane.
As you can see, this code directly manipulates styles, which is not good, as that job should be left to CSS.
Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.
A Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.
The trick of managing both to save jobs and the planet will mostly be left to the EU’s Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).
It seeks merely to "spread the blame if Earth gets wiped out" -though who would be left to point the finger is unclear.
Nor should they be left to managers, who don't always understand exactly what each member of their staff does every day.
This Caucasian fruit is pear shaped, sour and astringent and too hard as to be eaten fresh. It has to be left to ripe for a few days.
Thus investment Banks should be left to their own creative devices, and subject essentially only to the discipline of the marketplace.
On the other hand, English does oblige you to specify certain types of information that can be left to the context in other languages.
Similarly the will may state a watch is to be left to a named recipient. But if there is more than one watch this can create problems.
Enforcement of governance policies should be left to a steering committee or a governance body specifically empowered to play that role.
But what Aunt Mary Maria would have thought if she had known Susan was consoling herself on such grounds must be left to the imagination.
This shouldn't be left to chance -- a mentoring program should be set up to ensure that all junior managers are receiving proper guidance.
The attorneys also said gay marriage was an experiment with unknown social consequences that should be left to voters to accept or reject.
One really gruesome way of punishing a pirate was to maroon them on a deserted island without food or water and be left to die a slow death.
Rather than assuming this additional work "will help the next project," we suggest that the work be left to the project that it will benefit.
It might be that you will be left to choose the simplest possible surface you can think of that is somehow having this curve as its boundary.
They argued that gay marriage was an experiment with unknown social consequences and should be left to the voters to decide to accept or reject it.
Control of cricket, which brings in oodles of money and commands rapturous popular support, is seen as too important to be left to the vagaries of elections.
You can weigh the importance of each matter and in consultation with the heads of the various departments decide what he must see and what can be left to others.
He dismisses past errors as the result of a mistaken worldwide philosophy which held that markets and those competing in them could safely be left to self-correct.
When French and German Banks are out of the woods and Spain, Portugal and Ireland become less crisis prone, the neo-Hellenes could well be left to their own tragedy.
Unutterable sensations must then be left to more expressive silence, while, from an aching heart, I bid you all, my affectionate friends and kind neighbors, farewell.
Unutterable sensations must then be left to more expressive silence, while, from an aching heart, I bid you all, my affectionate friends and kind neighbors, farewell.