I sobbed in his arms, telling him how awful I felt about not being there when the lifeguard called.
I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.
He says being there inspired him.
Atiqi said for the time being there was ample supplies of crude oil in the market.
It's like entering the machine, becoming a part of it and changing it by being there.
She said she appreciated me being there for her, and that I am one of her best friends.
And crows eventually come by, and eat the peanuts and get used to the machine being there.
B: If I close my eyes, I can imagine being there right now... I can even smell the fragrances!
This made me feel as though he didn't really appreciate my being there - even as a paying customer.
Of course, most men have no interest in being there and that is why they get lost in the aisles.
My school wasn’t the best of the lot, so most people inside were disgruntled by virtue of being there.
Two weeks went by and nothing specially happened at that cemetery, but I never really liked being there.
That doesn't mean being your child's best buddy, but being there to teach, guide and set limits as needed.
I want the finished film to look intentional and precise. I want it to capture the essence of being there.
I hope they remember me being there in their moments making them a little bigger, brighter, and more full.
Me and my colleagues are looking forward to being there and playing the best football we can for the fans.
Being there for the second time in seven years, I could see signs of change, though inconsistency was everywhere.
A dark, yet warm atmosphere, along with the blurred foreground elements gives you a feeling of actually being there.
Right? All of those are man-made, artificiality brought into the woods by you, and by the very nature of being there.
I would note that if you are planning on only being there for 65 days for example, don't bother changing your address.
The most effective way to gain trust and respect is by being there for the team and following through on your promises.
A photograph comes as close as we get to witnessing an authentic moment with our own eyes while not actually being there.
People often make the mistake of starting speeches by thanking the introducer or expressing their happiness at being there.
Some people get so used to their inner critic being there that they don't even notice when they're putting themselves down.
When I joined, it was about 100 and within a few months of my being there, it was down to 50 as we were doing all these restructuring.
They aren't renting a chair in a plane or the bed in a room, they are buying the experience of being there and all that it entails.
If anything, a detector seems to act more like a placebo in medicine-inducing an effect in the mind of the recipient just by being there.
The attendees can this year be sure there is a reason for being there apart from catching up with others, broadening the mind, and skiing.
"Just by being there," she says, "you're acknowledging that you are something that they can pick and choose from, in that dehumanising way.
"Just by being there," she says, "you're acknowledging that you are something that they can pick and choose from, in that dehumanising way.