To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.
Biological system has been doing this for billions of years.
The MIT team's biological system captures carbon dioxide at a higher rate, says Barbero.
Since most textile wastes are deficient in nitrogen required for a balanced biological system.
This will facilitate the systematic analysis of proteins across any biological system or disease.
Seeing banking as a biological system can also help explain why the financial world became so vulnerable.
Another advantage of the biological system is that it requires no heating or cooling, and no toxic chemicals.
Proteomics may be defined as the complete characterization of the full complement of proteins in a biological system.
In this paper the environmental basis, function and the laws of evolution are studied in the light of biological system.
The work carried out by the author concerning the effect of nanometer particles in the biological system has been introduced.
The presence, absence or degree of synchronization can be an important part of the function or malfunction of a biological system.
How to study biological system with the principles of chemical thermodynamics is the problem that people pay attention to extremely.
Based on the sensitive response of living organisms to pollutants, early warning biological system detects pollution accident quickly.
An experimental setup for testing the ultra weak photon emission (UPE) from biological system in different spectral region was designed.
Chaos widely exist in nature and shows also exist in biological system by the iterations of biological models since 70's of 20 th century.
混沌现象广泛地存在于自然界,2 0世纪70年代以来,通过大量的生物模型模拟说明混沌也存在于生物系统中。
It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other If you're a biological system, you're burning calories, burning ATP.
These active centers play many important roles in biological system, such as oxidation-reduction, electron transfer, catalyse of lewis acid.
The characteristics of the biological system can be accumulated by fluorescence, chemiluminescence, or ultra-weak photon emission of the creature.
The basic pharmacology, or the nature and mechanism of action of the drug on the biological system, must be determined including toxicologic features.
First, analysis techniques need to be matched to the biological system, reflecting in their mathematical structure the underlying behavior being studied.
The stability of biological system was discussed based on classic automatic control system and a mathematic model of blood pressure control was presented.
Under this background systems biology are proposed, which is a new emerging interdisciplinary and its goal lies in understanding the biological system at system level.
Floodplain lands and adjacent waters, including wetlands, combine to form a complex, dynamic physical and biological system that supports a multitude of water resources.
Evidence exists of a fibrous network of vessels that attach themselves to a swallowed victim, grotesquely incorporating the being into the Sarlacc's own biological system.
And in lots of other situations, certainly if you look at any living biological system, including yourselves or your friends or any other one, it's certainly far from equilibrium.
"There are potentially so many ideas that you can take from nature, " he says. "We don't have to copy the biological system totally – just take the bits that are of interest to us."
The jury is still out on whether the algorithm derived by Afek et al. accurately mirrors the biological system, but what matters from a computer science perspective is that it works.
When the water is discharged at other ports, these organisms may find their unoccupied niche in the biological system and start to propagate without dangers from natural enemies.
And it turns out that that's so distinctive that you can actually look at this tree, and you can actually use it to determine that this is a technological system versus a biological system.
And it turns out that that's so distinctive that you can actually look at this tree, and you can actually use it to determine that this is a technological system versus a biological system.