Which defensive duo can be compared to you and Nesta?
This kind of synthetic fabrics can be compared to satin.
Again, this can be compared to the standard schema from the W3C.
If reading can be compared to tasting wine, writing is like brewing wine.
What can be compared to Mo in hand to the old Confucian more touching love?
Lalueza-Fox now hopes the gourd blood's DNA can be compared to what's in the heart.
现在Lalueza - Fox希望葫芦里血液的DNA也能和心脏的DNA进行比对。
This type of reduced result set can be compared to viewing reports with limited data.
It can be compared to a car seatbelt-a precaution, but no substitute for safe driving.
This can be compared to the anagamin, who, having partaken of the food, abides there.
The templates can be compared to different letters that you want to send to the addresses.
This can be compared to a median projected increase in the 2003 study of just 2.4 degrees.
The probes can be compared to a speedometer in a car: steady on the gas, and you'll be fine.
It can be compared to profits of listed companies under the sun, more transparent and clear.
If a hash in the array matches the new hash, the strings can be compared to verify the match.
The port type can be compared to a function library or module in a traditional programming language.
This process helps create a DNA fingerprint that can be compared to other samples to measure relatedness.
I don't think I can be compared to such great intellectuals such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.
If the movement of Chinese modernist poetry can be compared to a chain, then they are two indivisible taches.
If red dwarfs can be compared to the red embers of a dying fire, then brown dwarfs would be the smoldering ash.
Sites can be compared to identify the effectiveness of credited actions implemented at one hotel versus another.
Rawls' the veil of ignorance can be compared to a life game in which each man's fate is determined by card he may draw.
Failure to identify business goals prior to deployment can be compared to taking a trip without a map and a destination.
Now, he says, G.M. 's new models can be compared to the best that the company's Japanese and German competitors have to offer.
"These findings open a new educational perspective on autism that can be compared to sign language for deaf people," says Mottron.
The hash value of received data can be compared to the hash value of data as it was sent to determine whether the data was altered.
The script could be run on each remote host, and the system defaults can be compared to see if there are discrepancies between hosts.
The combustion of PC is described in accordance with a fractal rule. The fractal dimension can be compared to the rate of combustion.
Even he can be compared to these changes and go beyond his own successor, and the critics but also a more thorough and more comprehensive.
The resulting pain can be compared to the angina that occurs when blocked coronary arteries starve portions of the heart of food and oxygen.
The resulting pain can be compared to the angina that occurs when blocked coronary arteries starve portions of the heart of food and oxygen.