But the wit is not simply about Rube Goldberg-ian chain-reaction gags (though you'll find a few of those).
这种智慧不是RubeGoldberg - ian连锁反应所约束的(尽管你会发现其中的几个)。
So, halting the fire depends mainly on removing either the heat or the fuel, or tinkering with the chain-reaction going on within the flames.
The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
Once one person looks at their phone, other people feel compelled to do the same, starting a chain reaction.
You can get atoms to smash atoms and create a chain reaction and create power, that's a pretty amazing invention.
The process releases a lot of energy and more neutrons, which go on to split other uranium atoms, triggering a chain reaction.
This CDS chain reaction is one of the major reasons why the Europeans have kept Greece on life support for so long.
Just as in the sun, the chain reaction in the second stage fuses the hydrogen atoms into heavier helium atoms and releases vast amounts of energy in the process.
Even abstruse and highly specialized technologies like polymerase chain reaction have their roots in the existing practices of other genres.
The teenagers who die in knife fights on the streets receive similar eulogies. Is the same chain reaction at work?
That programme was about “weaponisation”: the fiddly business of making a device that can set off a chain reaction in nuclear fuel.
In the past, when these bubbles burst they often triggered a chain reaction of events that converted the booms into busts.
A chain reaction ensues. Before long, every woman has to try harder, and every man can relax a little.
Current multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques can at most offer detection from among 50 organisms in one test.
During a nuclear fission chain reaction, the tubes heat up to extremely high temperatures, and the way to keep them safe turns out to also be the way to extract useful energy from them.
The first volume is tipped over and hits the second book, starting a chain reaction of toppling books, swords, vegetables and other objects arranged in increasingly elaborate configurations.
Likewise, the geological chain reaction linking earthquakes and volcanoes takes place deep in the ground where it can’t be seen.
As a result, the chain reaction will Peter out unless the neutrons can be slowed down sufficiently.
There is expectation that the European Union could deepen its reductions to 30%, which would set off a chain reaction of increased offers.
The chain reaction that actually runs the reactor can be shut off in a matter of seconds.
The control rods soak up the neutrons that mediate the chain reaction which produces most of a reactor's energy, shutting it down.
It is made up of old fuel rods that have become sufficiently depleted of uranium-235, the isotope that drives a reactor’s main chain reaction, to be no longer useful.
For Greenfield, a conscious experience occurs when a stimulus — either external, like a sensation, or internal, like a thought or a memory — triggers a chain reaction within the brain.
After Israel developed a nuclear weapons capability in the late 1960s, no regional nuclear chain reaction followed, even though the country is surrounded by rivals.
9 SEC the control rods, made of boron and silver, are lowered, which slows down the nuclear chain reaction within the core.
Japan itself had a Level 4 accident in 1999, when three workers preparing fuel for a reactor at a Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion plant triggered a nuclear chain reaction, called a criticality.
日本在1999年就曾发生过一次4级核事故(又称“东海村核事故”——译注),当时在日本核燃料转换公司(Japan NuclearFuel Conversion)的一个燃料厂内,三名正在为反应堆准备燃料的工人引发了一次链式核反应,使反应堆达到临界状态。
Even leading high-tech companies----including those whose products started the chain reaction----sometimes find themselves out-paced by entrepreneurs with little more than a good idea.
This can be a chain reaction, with the volunteer team then feeling more empowered to go a step further with its own charity efforts.
Use of most molecular marker systems depends on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is an important technique for amplifying specific DNA sequences.
Use of most molecular marker systems depends on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is an important technique for amplifying specific DNA sequences.