Similarities and differences became comprehensible and explicable.
Scientists have maintained that the crop failure is not explicable.
Present population distribution is explicable only in terms of the past.
The announcement on Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent is more explicable.
It is about uniting to overcome the divide between fact and faith -what is explicable and what is not.
The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.
To do this fairly we grant the stipulation that everything in the universe is explicable, or will ultimately be physically explicable.
The association should be coherent; that is, plausible and explicable biologically according to known facts in the natural history and biology of the disease.
Some contagions are more easily explained by science than others, and one would expect MERS, like Ebola, to fall into the category of the scientifically explicable.
In contrast, the new gizmo jiggles in ways explicable only by the weird rules of quantum mechanics, which ordinarily govern molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.
This assumes that most behavioural differences between individuals are explicable by culture and socialisation, with biology playing at best the softest of second fiddles.
Reasoning involves finding and expressing these connections or relationships so that each individual event, object, or idea is explicable in terms of other events, objects, or ideas.
Sure, there we might find that everything is explicable in physical terms but nobody's ever tried to do any so realistic experiment on what's actually going on in a human brain when we think.
By desperately seeking patterns and purpose where none exist, argues author Charles Seife (Proofiness), we blind ourselves to the fact that "many events are not fully predictable or explicable."
By desperately seeking patterns and purpose where none exist, argues author Charles Seife (Proofiness), we blind ourselves to the fact that "many events are not fully predictable or explicable."