Now, our son attends nursery in our office building so we can have flex time with him.
Flex time an arrangement where employees can choose which hours they work, subject to company approval.
But the term mommy track is slowly morphing into the gender-neutral flex time, reflecting changes in the workforce.
Or giving up something like flex time or remote work in exchange for coming into the office every day for a little more money?
While the flexibility of working for yourself can be nice, more and more employers are offering flex time and telecommuting options.
Do not begrudge your partner for being a few minutes late, and try to even plan your meeting accordingly to allow for up to 10 minutes of flex time.
Flexible work arrangements range from compressed workweeks, flex time and phased retirement to job sharing, break arrangements and shift flexibility.
This fact has not gone unnoticed and many companies across the globe have adopted such women-friendly policies as job sharing, "flex time" and telecommuting.
Also, flex time, educational benefits, 8 flexible spending, working at home, extra vacation; these are all things that cost your boss little, but are worth a lot to you.
Another way to minimize that up front load time is to break your Flex application into Modules.
But you need to remember to call the invalidation methods at the appropriate time if you create your own Flex controls from scratch.
Flex Builder is a commercial product, but it has a long free trial period that will give you enough time to figure out if it's worth your money.
There is actually a pretty significant time investment required to open source a project as large as the Flex SDK.
像Flex SDK这么大型的项目要进行开源时间上的投入相当可观。
After learning the Spark skinning model, you can build expressive and robust Flex components in a very short amount of time.
In this article, a simple time-entry application - called ChronoLog - demonstrates how to build a Flex UI with PHP services.
Do you believe that the best partnerships between companies are those that can flex to the varying demands and needs of each party across time?
Scientists have long speculated that ocean waves could cause an ice shelf to flex and break, but this is the first time researchers have observed a tsunami having this effect.
Without the flex-time option, JetBlue could never have attracted the same caliber of employee.
An interesting feature in Flex Version 3 is that you can compile a CSS file as an SWF file and load it at run time.
Each time I watch a presentation on custom Flex component development, I think they keep getting clearer and more succinct.
This will allow you to compile Flex source code without having to specify the location of the Flex compiler each and every time.
Perhaps we're not witnessing the end of 9-to-5. But the age of flex-time may indeed be at hand.
At the time Flex was just starting to be used in the enterprise for large applications.
My goal is that by the time you finish reading this article, you too will be able to leverage the powerful capabilities of CSS with Flex and play a winning game as a master Flex UI developer.
On the other hand, the Flex SDK only seems to become more and more bloated with no ambitious architecture changes planned Last time I heard, Flex5 is nothing like an overhaul of the framework.
另外,FlexSDK变得越来越臃肿,其架构也没有什么变化我上一次听说Flex 5将会对框架进行彻底的整理。
Andrew Shorten: Yes, unfortunately there were some components that we were unable to move to the Flex 4 component model in the time available.
People who live to 150 will use their additional years for second and third careers, and we are likely to see a greater movement toward part-time and flex-time work.
People who live to 150 will use their additional years for second and third careers, and we are likely to see a greater movement toward part-time and flex-time work.