The third model, argues Mr Palmisano, the IBM he is now building, is the “globally integrated enterprise”.
Fourth, IBM is no longer a collection of independent national subsidiaries, but a globally integrated company.
This globally integrated supply chain management not only offers great opportunities but numerous challenges as well.
As we build globally integrated enterprise, our communications are constrained by the flat, print-based model of today's Web.
It supports efficient policy change and rapid policy deployment, which are the required attributes for an agile and globally integrated enterprise.
Today the goal is to create what Sam Palmisano, the boss of IBM, calls the “globally integrated enterprise”-a single firm in which work is sourced wherever it is most efficient.
The impact of the Fed's actions to date even on short-term interbank rates is inconclusive; its ability to influence much larger, globally integrated bond markets is even less certain.
Across IBM we have taken core processes and functions that were once managed regionally, shifted them to an integrated model and manage them globally.
Across IBM we have taken core processes and functions that were once managed regionally, shifted them to an integrated model and manage them globally.