I, for my part, know very well how I can bring about this movement and this exclamation.
You know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus.
Even places that you know very well, seem different when you check them out from up above.
You know very well that market for bristles has gone up a great deal in recent months.
It can be unkind to say. So you should use this phrase only with people you know very well.
You know very well that I’m no longer pretty. Look how wrinkled I am, how shriveled I’ve become!
You know very well that you cannot make the bus come sooner by looking at your watch again and again.
The big dragonfly was caught because it takes action under a condition it does not know very well.
I have gotten to know very well, not only the Rockets, but also the fans of Houston after so many years.
Some of you, I know very well, were going through it last week - not to say the day before yesterday!
What's less well-known is that most people get their jobs through someone they do not know very well.
The dispossessed know very well that under certain circumstances everyone is capable of being a coward.
And they also know very well that a major conflict between the two nations would lead to disasters to both.
I'm going to Europe to use the simulator and drive some go-karts and then I will know very well if I'm 100%.
But, of course, as you know very well, there was' t any other lion! It was only the reflection in the water!
That is a wild assumption, but it's fun to make, because I know pretty well — I know very well — that people aren't doing this.
Let's face it, fewer moments are more awkward than trying to strike up a casual conversation with someone you don't know very well.
She seemed to suddenly remember who I was: a dorky freshman she didn't know very well, sitting with my only slightly cooler roommate.
You know very well that NBC and their partners had a big hand in the media making these Olympics appear to be destined for disaster.
On the one hand you may know very well that you carry a spiritual light within, that you are a sensitive, compassionate and wise person.
Stay sober and aware. If you're with someone you don't know very well, be aware of what's going on around you and try to stay in control.
We know very well that couples the same age, who look like a perfect match on paper, can't always make things work when they have children.
As you know very well that exposure to sun is very bad for the eyes. Similarly, if you use computer for long hours that also harm your eyes.
Windows 7 is, as we know very well by now, a poor choice for a tablet operating system, one which hurts the Libretto's practical use as a tablet.
All my colleagues present here and I myself know very well that only when you have the people in your heart will the people support you in your office.
All my colleagues present here and I myself know very well that only when you have the people in your heart will the people support you in your office.