Best of all, the imprimatur seems to last for years.
The mask itself can last for years, and you just pop in a new filter every few days.
It only lasted minutes, but the flash crash will have consequences that last for years.
Falling in love with a person is an emotion that has consequences that can last for years.
When convictions occur, they lead to long jail terms; and pre-trial detention can last for years.
The social impact would last for years, bringing thousands of people to live and work in Patagonia.
In theory, this sea glider could travel for thousands of kilometres on voyages that could last for years.
This curse could last for years and could even prevent him from becoming successful in his life later on.
Tax season may be over, but the demand for number-crunching geniuses in this field should last for years.
As the oil seeps into Louisiana's fragile wetlands, it is apparent that the damage will last for years to come.
Some economists expect the malaise to last for years. Few companies have thought much about the implications of this.
That is, practice can certainly make people better at sudoku puzzles or help them remember lists more accurately. The improvement can even last for years.
Since programs are often long-lived (they can last for years or decades), it is customary to break them into stages, or time boxes focused on a specific delivery of business value.
It's not a remnant of some huge population that is dwindled in the last few hundred years for some reason.
"It's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years," says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.
Rather, they found that local areas experienced different patterns of rainfall, wind, and erosion, and that such conditions had prevailed in the Southwest for the last 1,400 years.
In California, under the Celebrities Rights Act, the personality rights for a celebrity last for 70 years after their death.
For the last twenty-three or twenty-four years I have been an agnostic.
We have campaigned against whaling for the last 15 years.
An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.
Something like $2 million of PAC money has flowed into his campaigns for the last 17 years.
For the last five years the Dutch economy has grown faster than Britain, France, or Germany, with the unemployment rate having remained well below that of the other three countries.
For the last two years, the laptop has served as my faithful aid and helped me finish most of my assignments and my thesis.
For today, let's look at a reptile, a predator that hasn't evolved much in the last seventy million years.
Today my guest is Dayna Ivanovich who has worked for the last twenty years as an interpreter.
I have done my share these last four years and now it is your turn to provide for her.
For the last 20 years—from the end of the cold war through two burst bubbles in a single decade—the US has been casting about for its next economic narrative.
For the last 20 years—from the end of the cold war through two burst bubbles in a single decade—the US has been casting about for its next economic narrative.