Clarity: all components should be designed so their meaning is not ambiguous.
When to appear in a family photo with a desk, not ambiguous to say to colleagues: I am single.
The Hebrew is euphemistic but not ambiguous; the English has become both euphemistic and incredibly ambiguous.
According to the contemporary aesthetic theory, the object of aesthetics is not ambiguous beauty but clarified art.
There is a friendship, no less than love; relations are not ambiguous; talk has been confided; the outcome is always difficult family dependents; This is the friend!
I use outside a simple, free and raw technique but very detailed inside. It represents the "secret thing" of every woman and man, theme more and more daily, tangible and not ambiguous.
外面我用一种简单随意的基本技巧,里面却做得很详细。它指代的是每个女人和男人的”秘密的东西”, 我的作品主题变得越来越日常化,明确化,而不是含混不清。
A Mixian is among the most safe distance, you have your love life, I also have my happy space, we have a specific time and space to share feelings, but not ambiguous, no more on - love!
Because or is an ambiguous word in English it can mean either or, it can mean not both.
We show in this section that both terms are ambiguous and not helpful in describing the nature of the service bus or the integration layer.
He interprets a "pilot error" or "customer mistake" as something ambiguous or vague (not intuitive) in the product.
He said Mr Cameron's pledge that he will "not let matters rest there" was deliberately ambiguous, covering the fact that he would not be able to renegotiate.
PEAK only complains when a particular call creates ambiguity, not when the potentially ambiguous functions are defined.
User interface specifications can be ambiguous, and are not traceable to the actual system's UML diagrams.
Mail sent to users with ambiguous names is not recalled; the recall message cannot determine which recipient was the one selected by the sender originally.
While there are a few ambiguous cases, the vast majority of the time an underscore will not be necessary.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the business dialogue is being conducted between software systems, and since they are not very good at guessing, nothing can be left ambiguous.
Public opinion is ambiguous: voters tell pollsters they dislike bail-outs, but do not want to see the euro destroyed.
B: I'm simply not used to such ambiguous remarks.
Ambiguous, he is not your lover, but he understands and CARES you more than your lover.
Life without a draft of not fill ambiguous. Fill in the answers themselves, what the results are only aware of their own.
User Interface specifications can be ambiguous and are not traceable to the actual system's UML diagrams
Ambiguous as "is being entered", may be waiting for a long time or what the content is not.
Have been infected with the season not clear, is not it, that such feelings are ambiguous, be considered ambiguous on the bit?
The "cannot" is ambiguous – is she not able, oris her dispassion carefully cultivated?
In the workplace sometimes you find ambiguous situations, where you get one message where you are told that "it was a joke," but you're not so sure.
Thus in this film, we see not only fuzzy lines among genders and ambiguous personal relations, but also the integration of a realistic fiction and an absurd reality.
Thus in this film, we see not only fuzzy lines among genders and ambiguous personal relations, but also the integration of a realistic fiction and an absurd reality.