Acts of trespass and petty theft often grew out of the blithe disregard that boys had for private property.
They are also hoping the court's ruling will rein in patent law, which is increasingly being used to claim new life forms as private property.
The infringement on private property interests is damnum absque injuria—damage without legal redress.
First is the delineation of rights in terms of property, or private property rights.
The new laws will open up a private property market and enable Cubans to buy any car they can afford.
Polls suggest that most Venezuelans disapprove of the nationalisations and firmly support private property.
The couple got off (ha!) with just a warning, as Dunn's father owned the crane and it was private property.
Their essential feature is that they share one characteristic with private property and one with public goods.
Some 15-25% of the Amazon is private property, which is supposed to be kept 80% forested (though often is not).
The first, Mr. Ghani said, was his attempt to impose order on Kabul’s chaotic system of private property rights.
But according as these private individuals are laborers or not laborers, private property has a different character.
Police were also hampered by the fact that Kostric was on private property at the time, a church near the public meeting.
The concept rests on the lack of private property as the apartments will be rented for the period from 1 day to 10 years.
But not so on the criterion of market pricing, and the use of market price is uniquely associated with private property.
The first of these waves is, you remember, the restrictions on private property, even the abolition of private property.
But they are also “subtractable” (or “rivalrous”), like private property: if one person uses them, another’s access is diminished.
By providing places to display their talents legally, there has been a fall in the amount of "tagging" on people's private property.
However, we could find that Marx's idea on the problem of private property and human alienation is far more profound than Rousseau's.
Their knowledge doesn't only belong to themselves as private property. Rather, it is the spiritual property of the public and society.
Kostnic's gun could hardly have been less concealed, and he was also standing on private property, in the grounds of a church near the town hall.
This is Washington Chapel, an early-20th century church that is on private property within the boundaries of Valley Forge National Historic Park.
It is clear from the above observations that if private property in land exists in Tripolitania and almond trees are grown, three results would follow.
"But now, with the increasing private property value, the disputes gradually shifted to partition of houses or other more valuable items," Li said.
Even if you maintain state by using a private property on the managed bean, you still have to add extra plumbing each time you are faced with this use case.
Even if you maintain state by using a private property on the managed bean, you still have to add extra plumbing each time you are faced with this use case.