If there is research misconduct, how should the liability be allocated among the authors?
If there is research misconduct, how should the liability be allocated among the authors?
More than 40 have received FDA warnings for research misconduct, lost hospital privileges or been convicted of crimes.
There mainly have been several big problems: low quality of teaching, academic research misconduct, poor-quality research;
The investigation of research misconduct is always fraught with difficulty, even if the necessary protocols and experienced expert committees are fully in place.
Pennsylvania State University has begun a formal investigation into whether a prominent faculty member is guilty of scientific misconduct for the way he carried out research into climate change.
Misconduct in Science" refers to:"Fabrication, plagiarism and other conducts agaist the integrity standard in the process of science research and evaluation".
Questionable research practices (QRP) is grey area in scientific research which is between responsible conduct in research and misconduct in research.
Behavior of academic misconduct has already affected these three greatest functions of the teaching, research and social services of universities seriously.
At the most immediate level, misconduct can seriously obstruct or damage one's own research or the research of colleagues.
At the most immediate level, misconduct can seriously obstruct or damage one's own research or the research of colleagues.