Silent night, enveloped by moonlight, everything is so faint.
The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged.
The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.
In particular, they are investigating smells so faint that people say they cannot detect them.
But it was a nicer sound than that, a more musical tone: only so faint that you could hardly hear it.
Viewed from Earth, NGC 6744 is about two-thirds the size of a full moon, but it's so faint you can't see it without a backyard telescope.
从地球上看,NGC 6744的大小差不多等于三分之二个满月。可惜的是,由于太过昏暗,我们惟有通过后院式望远镜才能观测到它。
When the mumber of the layer has exceeds 5, the Van der Waals interaction become so faint that the enwrapping process can not be continued.
They had a commercial on the other night for Drug Free America that was so gross I thought Dad was going to faint.
After a mile or so, Pinocchio again heard the same faint voice whispering: "Remember, little simpleton!"
During Sunday's total solar eclipse, the moon covered the sun over Easter Island, so that only the faint, white ring of the sun's upper atmosphere, or corona, was visible.
NASA says that's because the moon's surface and the astronauts' suits were so reflective that it was too bright for the camera to pick up the comparatively faint stars.
A faint wind, more like a moving coolness than a stream of air, passed down the glade from time to time; so that even in my great chamber the air was being renewed all night long.
Unfortunately, such distant spirals look so small and faint that no one has ever done so – until now.
That way, the device responds quicker than it would if it had to download the data for triangulation each time from Apple, or wait a minute or so for the faint signal from a passing GPS satellite.
So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed.
Can we discuss these things so that markets don't faint at the very mention of them sometime down the road?
Yet if we are faithful and fail not and faint not, we shall some day know that the most exquisite work of all our life was done in those days when it was so dark.
A: I can imagine! I tend to faint when I see blood, so I think I won't be taking up a course like that anytime soon!
In places, the ink from the original text is no more than a faint stain, so the scientists studying it need a technique that is sensitive to very low concentrations of ink.
The team had caught only two glimpses of one of those planets, so they followed up on the faint signals with other telescopes.
I have several cousin also went abroad, their parents alone at home, no one cared for, several times people at home are faint nobody knew, go abroad, is it really so glorious?
That faint hazy purple makeup, that butterfly's wings, such as petals, that of green leaves dripping, it is so delicate soft squid to people to pity.
Long distance relationships are not for the faint of heart. They can be very trying - but so can proximal relationships.
The primary threshold governs the number of faint meteors that are presented to the detection algorithm, so a lower value here is preferable.
And there, glowing with a faint blue light in the glass test tubes on the tables, was the mysterious something which they had worked so hard to find: Radium.
Today, much of "Contemporary Art" never goes beyond creating faint shadows of societal reality, images so far removed from reality that they often appear fake and vulgar.
Today, much of "Contemporary Art" never goes beyond creating faint shadows of societal reality, images so far removed from reality that they often appear fake and vulgar.