Older family members talk about work and friends.
You wanted me to come over at two this afternoon and have a talk about work.
Try not to check your email, bring work with you or talk about work during lunch.
We will also practice using conditional statements to talk about work and careers.
No matter what I say (or don't say), he'll keep complaining once we talk about work.
There's nothing more frustrating than getting a 10 p. m. call to talk about work when it isn't urgent.
The trick is in accepting that we need to talk about work while learning to restrict the time we spend doing so.
Yet Mr Miliband wants to talk about work-life balance, the joys of quaint local shops and other expensive luxuries.
Here's an insight that I've had about success. You can't be successful at everything. We hear a lot of talk about work-life balance. Nonsense.
We live in a world that valorizes this idea of work. We talk about work using phrases like, “keep your nose to the grindstone” and “no pain, no gain.
But we've been out for a drink a couple of times and it isn't too awkward; we talk about work and music and I try not to look too covetously at the perfect planes of his face.
Talk a little bit about your own biography, which has so much influence on the work you're doing today.
Next, we are going to talk about choosing social work today, I'd like to talk about, what happens when celebrity role models get behind healthy habits, but at the same time, promote junk food.
A class meeting will be held to talk about team work next Friday.
In this episode, we're going to talk about how to maintain your focus and motivation while you work toward achieving your goals.
Take for example: One of my friends sinks into a self-victimizing mode whenever we talk about his work.
Use informal meetings — say after work, where people just chat — to talk casually about your ideas and what you've achieved.
When I ask people what makes them happy at work, they rarely talk about the work itself - many tend to see it as a means to an end, rather than as something to enjoy.
Seeing this as an opportunity to possible earn some extra money, we exchanged number and he promised to call me the next week to talk about opportunities for some part-time work with his company.
And here is the example if you think. You know when i talk to a lot of colleagues or our university, we talk about inner-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary work.
"If you can begin to understand an accomplishment in detail, and be able to talk about what makes it work, you will begin to know why your sentences work or don't work," Fish explains.
"If you can begin to understand an accomplishment in detail and be able to talk about what makes it work you will begin to know why your sentences work or don't work" Fish explains.
But while both women talk eloquently about the motivation behind their work, the images really speak for themselves.
We make calculations based on a blend of different measures, including how many different topics people talk about — are they work topics or personal topics?
Many people talk about finding “work-life balance”, but this is very hard to do if you have no white space.
You talk about the 2015 roadmap; are you at work on a roadmap after that?
You talk about the 2015 roadmap; are you at work on a roadmap after that?