"The sort of thing that your grandmother always told you turns out to be right on target," she says.
That is the sort of thing I was looking for. But it's not quite the color.
Perhaps a worthy cause, but not the sort of thing on which one builds a middle class.
That was the sort of thing that always happened to attractive girls in the movies, after all.
They are also both the sort of thing climate scientists expect more of in a warming world.
The sort of thing that perhaps we might call or think of as abstract objects or abstract properties.
Only with hindsight do they come to look like the sort of thing people should have been prepared for.
So perhaps the argument should go "yeah, yeah, thinking, that's the sort of thing a machine can do."
Measuring the electric dipole moment, then, is the sort of thing that really floats physicists' boats.
This may sound like a lot of effort but generating random games is the sort of thing computers excel at.
That is the sort of thing that children do: habitually mispronounce someone’s name in order to irritate them.
That is the sort of thing that children do: habitually mispronounce someone's name in order to irritate them.
It's one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the book, the sort of thing you can't wait to see in a movie.
Easy enough to fix, but it's an example of the sort of thing that makes people write giant configure scripts.
Sometimes, they are literally little books, the sort of thing you might give someone as a Christmas gift today.
For those who like that sort of thing, as Abraham Lincoln once said, it is just the sort of thing they would like.
Bear Stearns's "shotgun marriage" to J.P. Morgan "is not the sort of thing we set out to do," he told the audience.
Mr Basescu backed the issuing of Romanian passports to Moldovans (just the sort of thing Russia does in its former empire).
It's the sort of thing that the veritable room full of monkeys with typewriters would be able to generate, given enough time.
That takes a lot of patience and computing power, and tends to be the sort of thing only intelligence agencies indulge in.
It's not the sort of thing where he's sitting around somewhere looking at his watch and saying, oh man, I got an achy knee.
To me, that's a fundamentally wrong approach and it's actually done because it's the sort of thing that statisticians are good at.
But that's the sort of thing that happens in cinemas these days, when there's only one projectionist looking after umpteen screens.
He has also given his name to a statistical condition called "Maskin monotonicity", which might not be the sort of thing to mention at parties.
As I say, it's the sort of thing that somebody from the medical school or a biologist or a physiologist or something could describe for us.
Instead of giving endless tables—the sort of thing that used to clutter newspapers—imagine heat charts (red is bad, green is good) and simple graphs.
It promises to be an excellent interactive experience - just the sort of thing to give you a warm glow and put you in the right frame of mind to start buying.
And the changes in ocean chemistry are the sort of thing that can be expected to have a direct effect on the geological record if carbon levels rise far enough.
"Further research is needed" is a common refrain, though this is the sort of thing that will work itself out over the next decade as more, um, data become available.
"Further research is needed" is a common refrain, though this is the sort of thing that will work itself out over the next decade as more, um, data become available.