There is much more about this topic that could be discussed, but this article has pointed out what should be the most prominent differences.
At this point, Xinjiang's strategic status is more prominent, therefore, how the reasonable deployment military force is still a topic which we study.
As a semantic language, Chinese is topic prominent with lower degree of grammaticalization, and its cohesion depends largely on non-linguistic presuppositions instead of linguistic ones.
Analogical problem solving has become a prominent topic in the psychology of thinking at present, and schema induction in analogical problem solving is one of the focused aspects.
First, Wu dialects as SVO-type are even less typical than Mandarin, but are more typical than it as topic-prominent type.
The paper believes that in a topic-prominent language, the more the passive construction is used, the more perfect the function o.
At the same time, under the guidance of the two principles, the author discusses the specific methods of translating topic-prominent Chinese sentences cited from Camel Xiang Zi.
At the same time, under the guidance of the two principles, the author discusses the specific methods of translating topic-prominent Chinese sentences cited from Camel Xiang Zi.