• 上下大量着下着大雨街道

    He looked up and down the rain-swept street.


  • 浪头现在有五英尺船头上下颠簸。

    The waves were about five feet high now, and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down.


  • 海蒂立刻凳子下楼

    Heidi immediately stepped down from the stool and ran down-stairs.


  • 同样上下波动发生智力以外领域

    The same fluctuation back and forth occurs in areas other than intelligence.


  • 旁边孩子们上下打量着我,然后笑了起来

    The kids beside me looked at me up and down and then laughed.


  • 约翰几匹马了大赌注

    John gambled heavily on the horses.


  • 乘客只有正式车站方可上下

    Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops.


  • 艾玛从马上下来,拿走了

    Emma dismounted and took her horse's bridle.


  • 大部分含意必须上下文中推断

    Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.


  • 每天上下往返于牛津伦敦之间。

    She commutes from Oxford to London every day.


  • 一天结束时上下人们赶着回家。

    Commuters were heading homeward at the end of the day.


  • 聚精会神地上下打量

    His gaze roamed over her.


  • 走起路来头发上下晃动

    Her hair bounced as she walked.


  • 钻头上下钻时,钻孔保持中心

    Keep the drill centred in the borehole while it ascends and descends.


  • 肯定25上下

    She must be 25 or thereabouts.


  • 正常情况下,唯一运动就是上下出租车

    In the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis.


  • 数千乘车上下人被耽搁一个多小时。

    Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour.


  • 气温冰点上下徘徊

    Temperatures hovered around freezing.


  • 鱼鳞一片片上下交叠

    A fish's scales overlap each other.


  • 阅读能力人会利用上下推测来理解文意。

    Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.


  • 远乘车上下的人今天路上耽误很多时间了。

    Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.


  • 名叫“预言”的赛马身上下了$20赌注

    I bet $20 on a horse called Premonition.


  • 阿根廷比赛进行期间全国上下事实上进入了停顿状态。

    Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played.


  • 梯沿着电缆上下移动。

    The elevator goes up and down along the cable.


  • 拉没有从秋千上下来。

    Bella didn't get off the swing.


  • 于,贝拉从秋千上下来了。

    Finally, Bella went off the swing.


  • 请你从秋千上下来好吗?”莫莉问道。

    "Will you please get off the swing?" Molly asked.


  • 蔬菜价格不同季节上下浮动

    The price of vegetables often yo-yos in different seasons.


  • 把车停了下来,让詹森马上下车。

    He stopped the car and told Jason to get out immediately.


  • 上下文没有帮助,看单词的组成部分。

    If the context doesn't help, look at the parts of the word.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定