• 四十买不起房子,也养不起孩子

    People in their 30s and 40s can't afford to buy homes or have children.


  • 不是说三四十不能成为企业家

    I'm not suggesting that people in their thirties and forties shouldn't become entrepreneurs.


  • 四十岁的可能世上有所建树,不是庆祝成年

    By then a man might be expected to have made his mark in the world, rather than be celebrating his coming-of-age.


  • 又痛快,我吸烟,我喝酒,我好像已是四十了。

    I began to feel a little better. I smoked, I drank, I behaved like an old hand of thirty or forty.


  • 此外,对一个四十岁的来说,准备起来当然要二十时候困难得多。

    Besides, when a man is forty, it is harder to get into condition than when he is twenty.


  • 作为一个四十岁的人有着丰富的在线营销管理经验却始终录用

    At 40, he had solid experience as an online marketing exec, but no one was hiring.


  • 目前接受相对论的十八至四十的人群,其中一半达尔文了支持票。

    The most likely age group to embrace evolution is 18- to 34-year-olds (with nearly half giving Darwin their vote of confidence).


  • 一个四十说“对于我们来说,物质上成功并不现在这般重要。”

    A man who is forty years old said: Material success was not so important to my generation.


  • 然而现在四十岁时,我意识到:即使坐在旁边和你不是最好朋友,你也可以正常完成工作它做得令满意。

    Whereas now, as I near the end of my fourth decade, I realize work can be fully functional and entirely fulfilling without needing to be best mates with the people sitting next to you.


  • 总之战士与战士之间只有年龄差别种族相同,同一些百折不回,有的二十理想而,有的四十岁为家庭而亡。

    After all, between the combatants, there was only a difference of age; the race is the same; it is the same stoical men who died at the age of twenty for their ideas, at forty for their families.


  • 大部分高中毕业其三四十面临大的家庭责任他们收入更低

    Most young people who do not go to college are high school graduates, and they too have lower earnings and greater family responsibilities during their thirties and forties.


  • 50%大约四十经历第一次抑郁但是有可能会转移三十

    Fifty percent of people with major depressive disorder experience their first episode of depression at about age 40, but this may be may be shifting to the 30s.


  • 一个大约四十岁左右矮小但是强壮,浓浓的眉毛,有眼袋没有胡子脸色健康

    He was a man of about forty, short, stumpy, with bushy eyebrows and pouches under the eyes, and no beard, but a very healthy complexion.


  • 四十岁以下如果每晚睡眠时间不足5小时比起每晚睡67个小时来,平均体重增加超过1.8公斤

    People under 40 gained 1.8 kilograms more on average if they got less than 5 hours of sleep per night than if they slept for 6 or 7 hours.


  • 一般来说最年轻二十最年长四十但是有些城邦中,六十以下的参军

    Typically, the youngest guys are twenty, and typically the oldest guys are 45, but everybody was liable to military service in these states until they were about 60.


  • 彼得约翰刚刚医治了生来瘸腿大约四十左右。

    Peter and John had just healed a person who was born crippled. This person was about 40 years old.


  • 他们英国引进了许多高雅文学大部分优秀电视节目而且四十岁以上崇敬产生了“披头士”和“滚石”乐队的国家

    They import much of their decent literature and most of their better television programmes from Britain, and anyone over 40 worships the country that produced the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.


  • 白内障不一定发生年纪很大最早四十左右即可发生

    This type of cataract may not necessarily occur in the very young, the first in the 40-year-old about to happen.


  • 早晨阳光中看来是个健壮、活泼、漂亮大约四十岁穿着黑色工作服,白领子,

    He appears in the morning light as a robust, vital, appetizing sort of man of forty or thereabouts, dressed in a professional-looking black frock-coat with white linen collar and black silk tie.


  • 早晨阳光中看来是个健壮、活泼、漂亮大约四十岁穿着黑色工作服,白领子,

    He appears in the morning light as a robust, vital, appetizing sort of man of forty or thereabouts, dressed in a professional-looking black frock-coat with white linen collar and black silk tie.


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